

Personal Data refers to data about an individual who can be identified from that data; or from that data and other information that KITAGAWA INDUSTRIES (H.K.) LIMITED   “Referred to as KGS HK” has or is likely to have access, including existing data in our records which you have provided to us in any forms you may submit to us or via any form of interaction with us;

Personal Data may include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Full name;
  • Passport number or other identification number;
  • Mobile telephone number;
  • Personal email address;
  • Residential address;
  • Residential telephone/fax number

Consent of Collection of Data

By providing your Personal Data, you have agreed and consented for the collection, use and disclosure of the Personal Data by the Company for any of the purposes listed herein.

When you provide KGS HK any Personal Data relating to a third party (such as information of your parents, spouse, siblings, children, dependent and/or character referees), you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and/or the consent of the third party have been obtained for the collection, use and disclosure of the Personal Data by us for any of the purposes listed herein.

Purpose and Use of Personal Data

  • Generally KGS HK collects, uses and discloses your Personal Data for the following purposes:
    1. To process your job application;
    2. To verify your identity;
    3. To manage the administrative and business operations of KGS HK
    4. To respond to any claims, actions or proceedings and/or to safeguard and enforce our contractual and legal rights and obligations; and/or
    5. To comply with any rules, law and regulations as well as to assist in any investigations and law enforcement by relevant authorities.
  • For any other purposes not set out in point a, KGS HK may notify and seek your further consent before using your Personal Data for that other purpose(s).

Disclosure of Personal Data

  • KGS HK will take reasonable steps to safeguard your Personal Data against any unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure and ensure that access to your Personal Data is limited to persons whom we believe requires access for the purposes listed at above or any other purpose as per your consent.
  • Subject to the provisions of any applicable law and in order to carry out the purposes listed herein, we may share or disclose your Personal Data with our related corporations including:
    1. Agents, contractors or third party service providers (whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere) contracted by KGS HK to provide operational services such as courier services, healthcare, insurance, telecommunications, information technology, payment, market research, customer support investigation services or other services;
    2. Banks, credit card companies, secretarial agents, billing organizations and their respective service providers;
    3. Our professional advisors such as lawyers, auditors, accountants or consultants;
    4. Our related companies in the Kitagawa group;
    5. Law enforcement agencies, relevant government ministries, regulators, statutory boards or authorities in compliance with any laws, rules, guidelines and regulations or schemes imposed by any governmental authority; and/or
    6. Any other person whom you authorize us to disclose your Personal Data.
  • KGS HK will use all reasonable means to ensure our employees and other third parties who have access to your Personal Data observe and follow the terms of this Data Protection Policy.

Withdrawal of Consent, Access and Correction of Personal Data

You may write to our Data Protection Officer at the address and email provided below if you:

  • Have any queries or feedback relating to your Personal Data or our Data Protection Policy;
  • Wish to withdraw your consent to any use of your Personal Data as set out in this Data Protection Policy; or
  • Would like to obtain access and make corrections/updates to your Personal Data in our records.
    • Data Protection Officer
    • Unit J, 15th Floor, Ever Gain Centre, 43-57
    • Wang Wo Tsai Street, Tsuen Wan, New
    • Territory, Hong Kong
    • Email: kgs_sales00@kitagawa.com.hk


KGS HK will retain your Personal Data for as long as the purpose for which it was collected remains and until it is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes.

KGS HK reserves the right to modify this Data Protection Policy to ensure that this Data Protection Policy is consistent with any changes to the laws and regulations applicable to KGS HK

Data Protection Policy of KGS HK shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Hong Kong.